
Lower School, Grades 1-5:
With the caring and skilled guidance of our lower school faculty and administration, students learn to organize, prioritize, and manage their own learning. They begin to develop the core academic skills in Torah learning, literacy, numeracy, science and the arts that will serve as the foundation for advanced studies as they grow. Both the Judaic and General Studies curriculum are challenging and developmentally appropriate.  

Students routinely explore their studies through interdisciplinary hands-on experiences and state-of-the art technology that helps to develop intellectual curiosity and promote creativity. Students are taught by teachers who understand the whole child, and reach beyond the parameters of the classroom to connect, inspire and foster a love for learning. Our lower school also has a strong focus on social and emotional development and overall middot. One of the unique advantages of HALB’s lower school is our Blended Learning program. Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Brief description of blended learning and digital content" to learn more about this innovative, technology based program that ensures no child is left behind.

Middle School, Grades 6-8:

As our students enter middle school, they are well-prepared for our departmentalized program, building upon the foundation of the lower school, and are appropriately guided towards developing independence and ownership of their own learning. They delve more deeply and broadly into their core academic subjects with an emphasis on 21st century skills such as critical thinking, questioning, problem solving and collaboration. As they become young adults, there is a strong emphasis on living and loving a Torah way of life. There are numerous opportunities for extracurricular activities, and we have a sophisticated approach towards healthy social emotional growth at this complex stage of life. Our graduates walk out of HALB ready, willing, able and inspired to tackle high school and beyond.